Monday, February 8, 2010

Accenture and Avanade Financial Planning Solution for Microsoft Surface

I recently wrote a post about Microsoft Surface in a reatil setting, which can help differentiate you from your competition.

In this post, I have embedded a video about an offering that Accenture and Avanade have created for Financial Planning.

Through this technology, a firm can really differentiate themselves from their competitors with this unique offering.  It is interactive and allows for a company to identify other opportunities for their clients.

If you would like to see how Avanade can enable your companay with unique solutions, like the Financial Planning Solution for Microsoft Surface, please contact us via email or in the Calgary office at 403-476-1473.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this information! I have been looking into security company calgary and what they might be able to do for me and my company. Can you tell me where i can find more information like this? Thanks for sharing!
